It is an amazing thing to own a Recreational Vehicle (RV). You are able to go out on the road whenever you want and go wherever you want. The amount of freedom is amazing. There are some unique concerns that come along with owning an RV. One of the biggest ones is where do you …
You are eager to hit the road and enjoy some quality time and adventure with your friends and family. Exploring the country is great if you have an RV or travel trailer. Not only can an RV give you the amenities of a home, but it can provide a comfortable, safe, and secure place to …
In 2021, we’re all ready to get out of the house, but what’s the best way to do that? For a lot of families, the answer is getting an RV or motorhome. Owning an RV can be a great experience. RV ownership helps families bond with others, encourages adventure, and most importantly for this year, …
Most people love to find themselves camping under the stars enjoying the fresh air. The only thing that makes that better is being able to get in your own camper and go where you want whenever you want. I remember when I was a kid, and my friends would talk about taking road trips with …
Camping and exploring the wilderness have been a popular pastime for centuries, but the idea of staying in luxury, portable accommodations while camping began in the early 1900s. The first RV club was formed in 1919, and with it, a new type of adventurer was born. Segueing into the 1920s and the great depression, small …
This past summer my wife and I rented an RV trailer from an RV sharing website and it was an absolute success. In fact, if ever we are going camping this is how we’re going. While we don’t own an RV, we are veteran renters of various recreational vehicles. Our first 3 years of RV’ing, …
Summer is here which means it is time to go camping. One of the best ways to look for an adventure is with the help of a teardrop camper trailer. A teardrop trailer is a small and lightweight camper, typically 4 to 6 ft wide and 8 to 10 ft long. It features relatively large …
Travel trailers can be a really fun and interesting way to explore the world around you. When you are heading out to buy a travel trailer, there are several factors that everyone should definitely consider. Depending on your requirements, each factor plays a crucial part in ensuring you have a good vacation. There are a …
Teardrop campers got their name from the iconic tear-shaped profile that comprises of a large front section that tapers back towards the other end. They are one of the oldest types of recreational vehicles that became popular after the end of the Second World War and fell out of fashion during the ‘60s. With that said, …
3 years ago we rented our first RV. It was a 30-foot Adventurer 4 motorhome. It was a beast powered by a Super Duty F350 truck. We rented that particular unit because it’s one of the only motorhomes with 4 seats in the cab. At the time, we had very young boys and wanted them …